Destiny 2: Hotfix Buffs Solar Titan and Warlock; Reactivates Ember of Benevolence

Bungie has released Destiny 2 Hotfix The enhancements to the Solar Titan and Solar Warlock announced in the last TWAB are now implemented in this release. Heat Rises, Icarus Dash, Roaring Flames, and Consecration are among the skills that have been enhanced.
The Ember of Benevolence is also re-enabled with Hotfix For those who don't know, after giving restoration, cure, or radiant to allies, this Solar fragment offers greater grenade, melee, and class ability regeneration for a brief time. This was deactivated by Bungie since it wasn't operating properly, but it's now rectified.

In addition, when any of the following circumstances are met, Ember of Benevolence now always activates:

  • Allies enter your Healing Rift or Radiance Well.
  • A Healing Grenade, Heat Rises grenade devour, Edge of Intent Warlock Glaive turret, or Phoenix Dive landing detonation can all be used to heal friends.
  • Using Lumina's Noble Rounds or Boots of the Assembler orbs to hit friends.
The following are the additional modifications made in the most recent Destiny 2 update:

Raids and Dungeons
  • In the Master version of the Duality dungeon, we've corrected a problem where Pinnacle gear was falling more than once per week.
  •  Encounters from either Legend or Master, whichever is completed first, reward pinnacles once per week per class.
  • Prior to this adjustment, Pinnacle prizes were limitless in Duality Master mode.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing advancement in the Grasp of Avarice final boss encounter.

  • Captain Avarokk's animations may still be choppy during the fight.
  • Removed a bug that could have caused an activity crash during the Caretaker encounter in Vow of the Disciple.
  •  Deep Stone Crypt offers powerful benefits when it isn't highlighted on a weekly basis. Raid

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